1. 我們的前身是常州市武進(jìn)玻璃儀器廠(chǎng),是一家專(zhuān)業(yè)生產(chǎn)實(shí)驗室玻璃儀器的廠(chǎng)家。
Our predecessor is Changzhou Wujin Glass Instrument Factory, which is a professional manufacturer of laboratory glass instruments.
2. 我們致力于實(shí)驗室蒸餾裝置的開(kāi)發(fā)、設計和生產(chǎn)。產(chǎn)品包括:小型試驗蒸餾裝置500mL-5000ml、中試蒸餾裝置10L-100L、常壓/減壓間歇蒸發(fā)裝置、連續蒸餾和萃取精餾、石英精餾裝置、反應精餾等特殊精餾裝置。
We are committed to the development, design and production of laboratory distillation units.Products include: small test distillation unit 500mL-5000ml, pilot distillation unit 10L-100L, atmospheric/reduced pressure batch distillation, continuous distillation and extractive distillation, quartz distillation unit, reaction distillation and other special distillation units.
3. 我們可以根據客戶(hù)的要求定制產(chǎn)品。
We can customize products according to customers' requirements.
4. 我們擁有具有豐富化學(xué)工程經(jīng)驗的高級工程師。
We have senior engineers with rich experience in chemical engineering
5. 在過(guò)去的幾年里,我們對國外進(jìn)口儀器設備等超過(guò)保修期的設備進(jìn)行維修售后,積攢了很多寶貴經(jīng)驗。
Over the past few years, we have had a lot of experience repairing estimation equipment for Ika, Pope, and Buchi that were out of warranty.
Our products have been sold to colleges and universities, research institutes, listed chemical enterprises and scientific research institutions, and have received consistent praise!